Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is the definition of true power?

What is your perception of true power? Would you find it in magical books and spoken spells? Would you find it in having the world's largest army? Or is it...What is the definition of true power?
Power permeates our world, it isn't necessarily something a person or group possesses, but rather a set of relations, a network of practices bound up in our knowledge and institutions. It exerts itself when a greater force is exercised over a lesser one.What is the definition of true power?
It's very much an open question, but to me, true power is power over one's self. In reality, no one human being can truly control anything in the universe except themselves. Lust that turns away from infidelity, or anger that turns away from violence. We who harness those things have greater power than those who would not control their impulses.
our creator
to walk away.

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