Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the true definition of a pond?

Is it larger than a puddle?

Is it smaller than an ocean?

Does it have more water than a swimming pool?

I get so confused when people talk about a pond.What is the true definition of a pond?
a small body of water formed naturally or man made having no definitive size or shape,formed by nature,copied by man for the sole use of fishing,skinny dipping and letting your horse drink itWhat is the true definition of a pond?
The true definition of a pond is that which lives in it.

Be they creatures of nature it be indeed a good pond.

Be they loathsome creatures that slither and crawl and dare only to creep out in the cowardly time of the darkness - be sure that which they inhabit is no pond - it be the nether regions of Yahoo Answers - Seniors Site.
The definition would be a body of water smaller then a lake. So yes it would have less water then a ocean but by definition it could have less water then a swimming pool too. I hope that helped.
A little larger than a mud puddle smaller than a lake, has fishes, and lillies and stuff.
well, it separates the UK and USA how is that for a description? That is a Pond to me
Pond: A body of water that when fallen into induces an erratic flapping of arms and legs before acknowledging that feet can be firmly planted on the base while head is above water level.
a lake is formed by damning up flowing water a pond is formed anywhere and the water has to come from run off!!! size has no bearing!!!
smaller than a lake..larger than a puddle.
As long as the fishing is good, you can call it anything you want as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, yes, and yes. Unless it is the worlds largest swimming pool.
Less than one acre. Any thing over that (in Michigan) is considered a lake. At least that is what I was told once.
Larger than a puddle is how I think of it.
Smaller than a lake......larger than a puddle. Come on over......I'll show you!
On seniors they mean where Susie s and a few other hail from..
Where ducks live
A pond is where the critters drink and I take my bath, and do some fishin'

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