Friday, February 5, 2010

What is the ';true'; definition of a good actor/actress?

This could mean in terms of style, performance, presence(on stage or in film), being believable, or how versitile they are.What is the ';true'; definition of a good actor/actress?
One who lives truthfully under imaginary circumstances and moves an audience to feel.

or simply;

One who entertains.What is the ';true'; definition of a good actor/actress?
I would say that it greatly depends on the actor/actresses ability to be natural in an uncomfortable sitution. At least appear to be natural. Being able to be versatile to the point where they can actually go into the character they are portraying and feel the depth of emotion that particular character needs to feel.
A good actor/actress would not be afraid to do everything they can to make the audience believe their part. One would need to make the audience believe that they actually were in love, or that they actually were about to die, or simply that they were actually going to walk along the street eating a sandwhich. One would have to make the audience believe that you weren't just saying lines, but speaking on-demand in a real situation and reacting to things done by others on stage or on set.
I am fascinated by this question as well. Some of the ';best'; actors seem limited in what kinds of roles they can play.

It also depends on the medium, stage, TV, movies. There is a whole diff set of techniques for stage vs movie.

I would say that the best is a nebulous concept and perhaps the actor that is most believable in their role? But not necessarily the most versatile.

Perhaps there are different kinds of good? Those that can play a gangster (for instance) perfectly, and those that can play many roles very well?

Just a thought.
It's when the actor and actress seems like the words and actions are coming from the character and not from memorized lines or a teleprompter.
I consider someone who can dress up, use makeup, change their voice and mannerisms completely. Change their walk, hand movements and such and perform as a character that is completely different than their usual personae then they are a truly great actor or actress in my eyes.
Someone who makes you forget he or she is acting.
Good - Just Good or outstanding?

Good Actors - know themselves and their limitations. I'm a realist; everyone has limitations.They have to work for what they've got, some have talent.

Outstanding Actors - are uninhibited, confident (not conceited), have a ';God given'; talent, possess the ability to sing, dance, and act. Believable in any role, this comes from a real life knowledge of a variety of situations. Intelligent and committed.
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