I think of it merely as doing something with the intent of harming someone, or harming someone without remorse. Harming means both physically and mentally.What is the true definition of sin (moral wrongdoings)?
Moral refers to universal law which we all ought to obey. That requires a lawgiver and that can only be God.
Sin is anything that damages the relationship between us and God. In the Bible, God says to love our neighbors as ourselves. Harming others would be a sin of commission. Not helping our neighbor is a sin of omission.What is the true definition of sin (moral wrongdoings)?
Sin is a transgression of divine law. Harming someone may be a sin, but that's not necessarily a condition of ';sinning';.
Depending on the religion (or the various sects), many things may be considered sin : not washing your hands before eating ; masturbation ; calling your physically-abusive father an @$$#0LE ; premarital sex ; a wife refusing to have sex with her husband when she's tired ; a woman defending her husband (who's being assaulted) by kicking the attacker in the groin ; saying ';God Dammit!!'; when you've hit your thumb with a hammer ; being gay ; eating pork ; eating pizza ; swatting a mosquito ...
Many ';sins'; harm no-one, they're merely chosen to be sins because somebody (often millennia ago) arbitrarily decided that it was ';bad';.
For those who refuse to allow a specific religion to dictate their moral rules, ethics %26amp; laws come into play. Ethics (that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions) are often better than a religious ';sin-code';. Ethics are usually proposed %26amp; evaluated %26amp; debated-upon by society itself, and keep in tune with the evolution %26amp; advances of the society. By their very nature they are more-universally applicable, despite religion.
My own code of ethics involves deciding on whether a specific act is wrong (or ';bad';) on its own merits, or is it wrong Because I Don't Do It ... I call this the BIDDI-evaluation.
If an action seems ';bad'; Because I Don't Do It, then I have to try to NOT be an ';old biddy'; and do my best to let people be. If the act is wrong because it actually harms somebody, or society as a whole, than I'll call it ';bad'; until something proves it not to be.
Hope this helps.
Sin1 : an offense against religious or moral law 2 a: transgression of the law of God b: a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God
it is a religious term for religious people ,,dose not apply in common use of language to all
Sin: A fictional word used as fear tactic in combination with the concept of Hell to control people and make money.
No, you shouldn't harm anyone, but not because a magic invisible sky God told you to, or because you are afraid of getting coal in your stalking...er I mean Hell. You shouldn't harm anyone because you know you wouldn't want to be treated the same way, and there are always consequences.
There is no sin, only consequence. There is no holiness, only purity.
Sin is rebellion against God in any form, no matter what one ';thinks'; it is. The very act of redefining the Biblical (God's) definition of sin is sin. If anyone can define it as they choose, then they make themselves to be God, which is exactly the original sin that took place in the garden.
My prophet said ' sin is something which wavers in your heart and which you dislike people knowing about it';
I also came to know that due to repeated sinning, a sinner destroys himself morally and his moral self shows little or no resistance towards it
Ethically... sin is something that is wrong against yourself and others... something that is harmful to someone in any aspect.
Spiritually.... and more specifically if we speak on Islamic terms... Sins are of varying levels.. major sins and minor sins. Different sins have different punishments. Everything is forgivable if one repents sincerely. Eg of major sin is to associate any partner or attribute to One God... we strictly believe in One God and the Oneness of God. Eg of minor sin... lying, backbiting, etc.
Check out the simple message of Islam anywhere on google.. or:
If you mean it in a completely un-religious sense, then I think sin would be completely relative to your personal opinion of what is right or wrong. There is no true definition because everyone has a different belief in what is morally wrong.
Believe it or not... it mean, ';missing the mark'; (like in archery) or not hitting the target... no big deal... It is like saying you didn't get it right! And for that God the Son Jesus Christ was whipped, and beaten, and thoroughly marinated in Roman spit, and nailed to a Holy Cross as a “spotless Lamb of God.” Then you MUST EAT HIS ACTUAL MEAT FULL OF ROMAN SPIT AND DRINK HIS SHED HOLY BLOOD to have your SINS forgiven so you can go to Heaven!
sin is anything that is against God's laws.. in other words, if God said not to do it, and we do it anyway,its sin whatever the it is.
God Bless
Sin is not an absolute. Murder is condoned in war. Abortion is condoned in over populated countries. Gandhi was antisemitic. Morals are as variable as people.
Sin is nothing more than a morally bad act performed not in accord with Divine Law.
defect of character
Separation from God.
Anything that betrays your love for God,
SImply out, it's a transgression against the laws of God.
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