I don't think it's about what they've bought and what shows they've gone to, but the fact that you love the WWE, have passion for it, and do watch as much as possible Also those who respect even the wrestlers that they don't like. If you just come on here to bash a bunch of wrestlers you aren't a true WWE fan in my opinion.What is the true definition of a WWE fan?
1. Been TO One Show
2. Got an Autograph.
3. Supports WWE
4. Knows The Rules
5. Hates TNA
6. Watches it
7. Purchased a T-Shirt or Merchandise
I hate the wwe. I loved the WWF.
A wwe fan loves a good soap opera. WWF fans love wrestling and wrestlers who wrestled.
list of great wrestlers/Entertainers in wwf compared to the crap now.
Brett Hart Mr.Perfect Hulk Hogan Rock HHH Taker
Razor ramone Etc.
Cena Umaga Khali ...... Some Italian who has the I.C. belt
you get the idea.
I cant sit by and stomache anymore of this crap so i stopped watching about 6 months ago. Why are they wasting the talent like RVD, and Carlito, CM punk, etc.
well im a former wwe fan because i got tired of all the boredom and predictablility and i bought wwe action figures wwe posters wwe ppvs and after all these years i gotten tired of it and decided to stop watching worthless wwe programs. former wwe fan.
the opposite of john ceman
A WWE fan:
1. thinks John Cena and Batista are good wrestlers
2. has never heard of the terms: babyface, heel, angle, kayfabe, card, push, gimmick, and house show
3. can't understand/doesn't care about the psychology in a match
4. Thinks WWE is the only wrestling promotion around
I am the definition !!!
to be a true fan i think you have to watch every week and then buying all the ppv and loving every minute of it
WE ARE THE DIFINITION OF A WRESTLING FAN! the passion we hjave for this sport! the intrest and the fact that alot of us want to become what we see! like me! i work my butt off everyday to become a wwe diva! it is the money we spend to go see live shows it is all the stuff we collect it is how we watch everyweek it is just the love of entertainment i think
someone who hates tna but obviously never watched once
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