Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is this the true definition of scene an how can i become one?

is this the definition?

happy,excited,always wanta party and have fun

and how can i become one?

thx in advance

^^Is this the true definition of scene an how can i become one?
Umm kind of, im scene and im not always happy,excited,always wanta party and have fun... Why try to be scene just be you!

Is this the true definition of scene an how can i become one?
erm a scene is people into the same stuff.

You can have poker scenes, skater scenes, punky scenes etc.

Pick somethign you like and find others into it... just pick nice ones ie

No scenes that are bitchy or involve violence like gangs or gang related music

If you like the clothes and music and its not a nasty one like above go for that
As far as I cna tell, scene means wearing stupid clothes and having an odd, asymmetric haircut, that looks unflattering. Perhaps I've got it wrong?
Don't be a poser, be yourself. Scene is just a stereotype, you silly girl.

sweetie, you shouldn't be trying to be something your not, Just be yourself.
if you have to ask how to be something you clearly aren't it then. so just be yourself and stop trying to be something you're not
smile: no it isn't and by wanting to become one, you are a poser

posers are suckish.
yah scene isnt just a look or anything like that scene is much deeper and if you gotta ask then you cant be one
No that's not what scene is at all. And don't try to be something you're not, just be yourself.


';i want straight up answers';

your not even being straight up by trying to be something your not.


Thanks for the laugh.

cute :)
This is a stupid question.

You fail at life.

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